Web development
WordPress, Tips, Tricks
WordPress add JavaScript to admin
Here is how to add custom JavaScript to WordPress admin area (dashboard): Just copy code below and paste it to your themes functions.php file. Dont forget to change "your-theme/assets/js/CustomJS.js" with path to your JS file. // Add Custom JS to WordPress Admin Area Footer function custom_admin_js() { echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . esc_url( home_url( '/' […]Continue reading »
WordPress setup one language for admin and the other for theme
Here is one quick tip, if you want to have one language for WordPress admin and the other language for theme, just add this to your theme functions.php file: // setup one language for admin and the other for theme // must be called before load_theme_textdomain() function set_my_locale($locale) { $locale = ( is_admin() ) […]Continue reading »
Securing WordPress
This is the ultimate guide on how to achieve maximum safety of WordPress installation. After you make this changes, your WordPress blog will become bullet proof I guarantee you that! During the years of my work with with WordPress I came up with the list of six simple rules that you should implement on your […]Continue reading »
The circumstances forced me to write the first post
Maybe it sounds like a cliche, but every day I have so many obligations that I simply didn’t have the time to start writing on this site. So, what’s different today?! Well, today one bad thing happened to me… My laptop simple died! I was working on important project, and suddenly it shuts down without […]Continue reading »